Friday, July 14, 2006


Is there not enough bitterness? hate? bloodshed? death?

things are going from worse... to worse worse worse in the middle east.. and then some . :(

it's horrible to see "at least 50 injured and 23 dead" and think.. oh man well at least that's better than what we saw last week..

very sad is me

it makes me wonder, if we tried really really really really hard to be tolerant of each other and not pick stupid reasons to fight - and not to consider the killing of someone else as justifiable... would we really be able to live at peace?

it's hard enough as it is to try to always have a sense of peace even with everyday interactions with: spouse, roommie, brother, best friend, sister, neighbor... is the human race capable of something like that?

and is it too hard now that so much anger has already been stacked up from centuries of invasions, slavery, genocides, diplomatic b.s. - is it too late?

I mean it's so hard to let go of an injustice.. but
if you try really hard to think through why it would be a good reason to get really angry and bitter over someone else's crappy attitude.. is it worth it? Usually the answer is no.. if it really irked you.. accept that you didn't like it.. change/say/do something so it won't happen again and move the fuck on!!

but how to forget something like a murdered ancestor? a murdered village? decades of oppression? ....

it's so hard sometimes to
keep even little fluxes of thought in check.. like getting pissed off at someone trying to point out something wrong in your paper/homework/presentation... or getting annoyed with things you can't change like traffic or the weather...

if you want to... participate in this little experiment (once a scientist always a scientist..) with me... pay close attention to your feelings throughout the week. If something that makes you angry/disgusted pops up.. don't let it kill you just yet.. write it down, or store it away in a little compartment in your head.. - just don't let it get to you - then at the end of the day.. take the problem back out, analyze it.. is it really important? if yes then analyze why it made you feel angry... try to justify why it should make your whole day/week/attitude/outlook a bad one...
if it's a good reason, then decide how you're going to deal with it and stop getting angry/worried.... execute your plan to deal with it..

is it too hard to do? does it work? do we feel less angry? and if we do...then.. does it make the rest of the day/week better?


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