Thursday, January 11, 2007

how long has it been again????.......

Apparently, it's been quite a while since I've posted. What can I say to that though..? I always seem to get myself ridiculously busy during the semester. Last semester was no different, it ranks in one of the hardest semesters for sure. Somehow, it came out alright - even though I do admit to hauling ass on most of what I did, I really did just veg out infront of the TV too. I think that's the problem with us students/workers handling free time - we don't actually do much other than TV.. maybe if we did different things we wouldn't feel so guilty/bored/tired?
well musings for another day..

Update: 1 - I gradumacated :D Cum Laude BS in Genetics (yes it is a double major, but if it's not a double degree it's not on your diploma.. boo! Neither are the Spanish and French minors included but feh... c'est la vie I guess)
2 - I am now living with my parents :) This is a good thing, good food, free lodging, easy access to money mwahaha.. and we have fun together
3 - I have gotten invited to two interviews so far at UCSF and at UT Austin.. I'll update on how that goes
4 - I'm coughing like an old geezer.. and have been for about 2weeks - I'm on antibiotics now (which are making me feel like shit.. damn those all-or-nothing drugs..) but I HAD to.. I wasn't able to sleep b/c of the coughing.. it's really annoying.. and YES I've been bundled up and YES I've been drinking tea like a mad hatter and YES I'm eating cough drops till I burst... and i'm sick of all of it.. and I don't get to go out/sleep/do anything really fun... and my muscles hurt from coughing.. wah wah.. complain complain.... as long as I can get rid of this damn coughing.. we'll be back in bidness

Plans for down time:
Interviews with gradschools
tutor for some cash on the side
con my parents into a trip to europe/japan
write a review of the stuff I did in the japan lab
volunteer at libraries/schools to read to kids:: it is my supreme belief that more ppl would be able to accomplish more in life if they just 'wanted' and actually learned to 'like' to read..
paint sabrina's painting
actuallly live up to my "amateur artist" "amateur photographer" self-entitlement

well looks llike I've written up quite a bit.. let's let that settle in for a few days


Blogger Rebecca said...

at least you aren't in CS anymore!!! That's better than some of us can say.

Seriously, hope you are feeling better.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

No recent updates! Shame on you, you have moved to a new state and everything!

7:40 PM  

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